Norman Westberg + Alexandra Spence with Rachael Archibald + Chris Abrahams with Scott Morrison
Sat 25 Jun 8:00 PM
The Substation
General Admission
150 Mins
For many, Norman Westberg is known for his legacy as the guitarist for legendary outfit Swans. As a pivotal member of the group, Westberg performed on their most critical albums, developing a style of playing that was hugely influential in developing their trademarked monolithic sound pressure. As a soloist however, Norman Westberg’s work has splayed outward drifting between oceanic tides of guitar and deep waves of textured harmony.
Alexandra Spence’s work A veil, the sea is an immersive and diverse set-up of sonic material - amplified objects, hydrophone recordings, submerged and degraded tape loops, sine waves, spoken fragments of text, acoustic instruments, and audio processing - to explore the relationships between bodies and water, real and imaginary landscapes, sound and ecology.
For their new work, Chris Abrahams and Scott Morrison have created a piece that merges the cascading flow of Abrahams’ playing alongside Morrison’s dynamically layered film works. Together they seek to create pathways between sound and vision, interlocking meshes that suggest new spaces and sensory fields that exist at the nexus of sound and light.
Curated by Lawrence English.
Norman Westberg is presented in conjunction with Dark Mofo 2022.
This event is wheelchair accessible and gender neutral accessible toilets are available.
The Substation galleries, bar and bookshop will open 1 hour prior to the performance.